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Create a profile

Mobilizon gives you the opportunity to deal with multiples identities by using differents profiles. To create another one, you have to:

  1. go to your account settings (by clicking your avatar and My account)
  2. click New profile in the left sidebar
  3. click Click to upload button to add an avatar for your new profile
  4. enter a Display name (required): what other people will see
  5. enter a Username (required): your unique identifier for your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
  6. enter a Bio: tell people more about you
  7. click Save button.

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From now on, you can participate to event, or create one, with one or other identity.


You can switch between your different identities from the top bar, by clicking your avatar. By default, the one displayed on the top sidebar is the one selected for your actions.

Last update: October 23, 2020